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Joomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com (...)
Joomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com (...)
Joomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomlaVision.Com (...)
The 11th Center of Excellence in IBM Research, specialized in medical sector could be established at Tirgu-Mures, Romania  On the initiative of dr. Dorin Florea, mayor of Tirgu-Mures City, Prime-Minister Emil Boc and Valerian Vreme, minister of Communications and Information Society (MCIS) met with a IBM Research Delegation and a delegation of Tirgu-Mu (...) ...
PRESS RELEASE20 years ago, Romania was leaving behind the communist system and was making its first steps toward democracy and a market economy, having to make up for a 45 years’ time-lag. While the European countries were safely developing, investing (...) ...
The Us Embassy encourages the Digital Mureș StrategyThe representatives of the US Embassy expressed their encouragement for the success of this conference and said that, the Embassy would continue to follow the Digital Mureș Strategy with interest and lend their support as appropriate, as r (...) ...
Top participation in „Digital Mures strategy”The minister of  Communication and Information Society, Mr Valerian Vreme, and the State Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Mr. Raed Arafat, participate in the launch of discussions concerning „Digital Mures Strategy”, held at The P (...) ...
DIGITAL MURES  STRATEGY DRAWS WORLD’S ATTENTIONDr. Dorin Florea, Mayor of Tirgu-Mures: “On the one hand, Digital Mures Strategy means efficiency, savings both for the citizens and the public administration, non-reimbursable funds, and, on the other, the attraction of first-class invest (...) ...
Digital Mures Conference 9 December 2010 The “Digital Mures 2010” conference co-organized by the Tirgu-Mures City Local Government and Items International, will take place on the 9th of December 2010, at the Culture Palace, in Tirgu-Mures. The scope of the meeting is the prese (...) ...
“Digital Mures” Strategy in Washington D.CCity Hall started discussions about “Digital Mures” Strategy in Washington D.C A delegation from Tirgu-Mures City Hall, made up of IT consultants and led by mayor Dorin Florea participated in a series of events and meetings held in  (...) ...
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